32mm grimdark miniatures set in the horrors of the Trench Crusade.
Important note:
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Tuomas Pirinen announcement!
over 1 year ago
– Mon, May 08, 2023 at 01:07:07 PM
Blessed Mōnandæg* pilgrims!
I trust you are all well in the trenches, huddled together for warmth and comfort, clenching tightly to your faith and sanity. And not at all infested with trenchrot...
Just a quick announcement regarding the forthcoming skirmish game from our design-hermit, Brother Tuomas (taken from his Facebook page, Tuomas Pirinen, Brutal Deluxe Game Design):
Psst, I have some news for you!
I hereby announce that I am working on a new Miniature Skirmish wargame, called the Trench Crusade! For the last 6 months I have been collaborating with Mike Franchina (the artist) and James Sherriff (the sculptor) to bring this game to you. The world of Trench Crusade and the accompanying miniature range were already a successful Kickstarter, so when I was asked to write the rules for a skirmish game set in this world in the grand tradition of Mordheim, I simply had to say yes!
The game is set in an alternate timeline where the Crusades never ended, as the armed forces of Hell manifested themselves on Earth and begun a war against humanity as a whole. The mankind has rallied in a global holy war and halted the advance of the seemingly inexhaustible legions of the Damned, and now trench warfare rages across vast swathes of pockmarked Europe. It is the year of our Lord 1914, where the armies of World War I, bolstered by the divine powers wage endless battle to stop the Legions of the Arch-devils from overwhelming the Earth. Heroes arise on both sides: Heroes of Heaven, and Heroes of Hell. Welcome to theTrench Crusade!
So if you are looking for some old-school, grimdark skirmish action with full campaign rules that is set in a fascinating sci-fi setting, this game will be right up your alley!
This is just a high-level introductory announcement and more will be revealed soon. In the meantime, all our efforts go into ensuring as smooth a production and fulfilment process as possible for our wonderful pilgrims! We will have another update on production soon.
If you are on Facebook, we have just launched a dedicated Trench Crusade page where you can follow along throughout the game development process, should you so wish. There'll be rules, art lore and more! We will also be launching an email list where you can sign up for email updates for the game as well. Your orthodoxy officer will be issued with the relevant information in due course.
I will just leave you with some new artwork for a filthy Herald of Beelzebub. They are the vanguard in any assault and the maddening hum of their wings strikes terror into the heart of any defender. They wield discarded weapons, infected with horrible worms that churn through them, which in turn infect their victims. Their ability to fly allows them to cross battlefields with starting speed and their plague-ridden bullets fly independently, ignoring any cover their enemies try to use. They flush out entrenched foes so the shock troops of the Black Grail can finish them in close combat.
Sweet dreams, pilgrims. We will be going over top soon...
* Day of the Moon, taken from the Old English
Shipping & fulfilment update - Charging Credit Cards for BackerKit Orders!
over 1 year ago
– Fri, Apr 07, 2023 at 11:21:22 AM
Anointed pilgrims! Heads up - cards are due to be charged soon for add-ons and shipping through BackerKit!
In this update:
Shipping prices
Charging cards (for add-ons & shipping via BackerKit)
Timescales for fulfilment
As mentioned at the beginning and throughout, due to the volatility of shipping prices globally, shipping fees for this project were always to be calculated and added closer to fulfilment, once we could ascertain the best estimates for our wonderful backers. It is pretty standard Kickstarter practice now to charge backers for shipping closer to fulfilment when we have better estimates of what it will cost to ship backers rewards. This way, we also greatly reduce the chance of undercharging for shipping - something that has sunk many a campaign!
Please note that shipping costs have increased over the past few months. Also, to keep the costs down for European backers, I have opted for standard shipping which will save you between GBP6-12, depending on your country! Please be assured that European parcels will be delivered with duties paid, so you should not incur any taxes/fees at your end.
Also, apologies to anyone outside the UK, certain European countries and the USA - whilst I have managed to source friendly shipping options at a good rate for these regions, I have not been able to do so for the rest of the world. I was getting some quotes for friendly shipping to Australia, for example, that would have cost almost GBP20. So I thought it would be better all round to go for something that would virtually halve that cost for you! For the next Kickstarter, with everything I have learned from running this one, I will look to source friendly shipping centres in places like Australia, Canada and possibly elsewhere.
Here are the shipping charges that will be added and charged through BackerKit:
UK 2nd class = £5
Europe standard delivery duty paid = GBP9-11 depending on your country (France & Germany will be cheaper than Malta and Bulgaria, for example). Please note this is delivery duty paid.
US tracked = GBP9. This will be fulfilled by Ironheart Artisans from within the US.
Rest of the World standard delivery = GBP11. Please note this is delivery duty unpaid.
Charging cards for Shipping and add-ons
We plan to charge cards for add-on items you purchased or any additional funds you may owe through BackerKit on or just after 12th April 2023. This charge will appear on your bank statement as “TRENCH CRUSADE” or “TRENCHCRUS” (these are the statement descriptors used by Stripe, the company processing all card payments).
Please make sure that you have the correct card information on file. If any issues arise with your payment you’ll receive an email letting your know to correct your payment information.
If you need to review payment information, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under “Lost your survey?” on our BackerKit project page at https://trench-crusade.backerkit.com/.
Timescales for fulfilment
Just got back from seeing the fine people at Zealot Miniatures yesterday. We discussed scanning, printing, tool making and casting for the 15,000+ miniatures they will be producing for us! And of course, I handed over all the physical sculpts for scanning.
Due to delays (please see previous updates) and the shear number of miniatures required - which far exceeded even our wildest expectations - the fulfilment dates will have to be moved back a bit from our initial estimates, unfortunately. Terribly sorry about this, but I hope you will consider the little extra wait worthwhile!
To give you a breakdown of timescales from Zealot:
Scanning = Approx. 3 weeks
Printing, master moulds, production tooling = Approx. 5 weeks
Casting = Approx. 8 weeks
So, all in, we are hoping to receive delivery from Zealot of all miniatures by August. As soon as I get them, I will be taking them to Spiral Galaxy Games for fulfilment (about a 2 hour drive from me), whilst sending all US orders to Ironheart Artisans in the USA for delivery. All being well, you will receive your miniatures around September time. Again, very sorry this had to be moved back! Hope you understand.
In the next update...
After learning how to use ZBrush to a level that I am finally happy with, I will be able to show you the alternative Communicant poses in the next update soon. Mike has designed a couple of different helmets and religious iconography, so we hope you like them when you see them! :)
Thank you all again for being so responsive to answering our BackerKit survey—even though it may not seem like much as an individual backer, you have no idea how tremendously helpful this has been for me when trying to keep track of all 2000+ of you!
Thanks everyone for your support!
The Observer, plus shipping & fulfilment update - Part Two - Locking Orders in BackerKit
over 1 year ago
– Mon, Apr 03, 2023 at 06:29:17 AM
Anointed pilgrims! This is the last call for order updates!
In this update (part two of two - please see previous update #24 dated 21st March):
The Observer stretch goal miniature
Locking orders in 48 hours - last call for order updates!
Charging cards (for add-ons & shipping via BackerKit)
Timescales for fulfilment
Please note: I hoped to have final shipping prices for everyone but am still waiting to get some final figures from the shipping companies we are using. There is so much involved in this part of the process and there is only one me! My priority is ensuring that everything runs smoothly and I can keep the shipping costs down for backers as much as possible.
The Observer & casting update
Well, here is the Observer of the Synod of Strategic Prophecy - finally! Mike has done another amazing digital paint-over. This miniature will have a separate head and spear arm for casting purposes (this also means you could have him turning his head in the opposite direction, should you wish). ;)
Last call for order updates
The last day to make final updates to your order is 5th April! So 48 hours from the time of this update. You should receive an email notification from BackerKit regarding this.
After this date, we will lock your reward selections and charge cards for add-on item purchases and pledge upgrades. You can update your shipping address up until we lock addresses for shipping.
If you haven’t answered your survey yet, if you fill out your BackerKit survey or pay for extra shipping after the order due date, we’ll still receive your information but your shipment may be delayed.
If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under “Lost your survey?” on our BackerKit project page at https://trench-crusade.backerkit.com/.
Charging cards for Shipping and add-ons
In the last update we had planned to charge cards for add-on items you purchased or any additional funds you may owe through BackerKit on 1st April 2023. Obviously this date has passed and this is due to the above-mentioned delays getting some final answers from shipping centres. Very sorry about this, but like I said - I really want to get everything right and ensure that prices for shipping are as low as possible for you. :)
I will post another update in the coming days to let you know a new date for when we plan to charge your cards.
When we do charge for add-ons and shipping, this charge will appear on your bank statement as “TRENCH CRUSADE” or “TRENCHCRUS” (these are the statement descriptors used by Stripe, the company processing all card payments).
Please make sure that you have the correct card information on file. If any issues arise with your payment you’ll receive an email letting your know to correct your payment information.
If you need to review payment information, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under “Lost your survey?” on our BackerKit project page at https://trench-crusade.backerkit.com/.
Timescales for fulfilment
Due to the fact that a) it took me longer than I’d hoped to sculpt the stretch goal minis and b) we have more than 15,000 miniatures to cast(!) fulfilment has been pushed back a bit. Very sorry for the delay (I mentioned the reasons behind this in my previous update if you haven’t read it). Zealot Miniatures should be getting back to me very soon with a new estimated manufacturing finish date and I will let everyone know as soon as I have this information! :)
Thank you all again for being so responsive to answering our BackerKit survey—even though it may not seem like much as an individual backer, you have no idea how tremendously helpful this has been for me when trying to keep track of all 2000+ of you!
Thanks everyone for your support!
The Observer, plus shipping & fulfilment update - Part One
over 1 year ago
– Tue, Mar 21, 2023 at 07:04:38 AM
Hallowed pilgrims!
In this update (part one of two - second update to follow in the next few days):
The Observer stretch goal miniature & casting update
Locking orders soon!
Shipping & fulfilment
Charging cards (for add-ons & shipping via BackerKit)
The Observer & casting update
I just need to finish the Observer miniature and then I will take the physical sculpts down to Zealot Miniatures for 3D scanning. He essentially needs some arms, a cloak and spear, so nearly done! Here’s a picture of where he is right now.
Once all the physical sculpts are scanned, Zealot will then print the master miniatures (which are superior to resin masters since they have no mould lines and are exceptionally faithful to the original sculpt) and then start making tools for the SioCast injection moulded plastic casting! I’m just waiting to hear back from them with some updated timescales which I will post in the next update.
I must profusely apologise for the delays in getting the stretch goal miniatures sculpted. It’s been a tricky time these past few months for myriad reasons, but to give you some background...
As a freelance sculptor, my job is literally sculpting miniatures. I am a one-man team and have had to continue my freelance work in order to pay the bills, which have been exponentially harder to pay due to the current cost of living crisis we are all being subjected to right now. It’s been tough making ends meet, but I have been fortunate enough to have a fairly steady stream of sculpting commissions. Due to this fact, I have not been able to dedicate 100% of my time to finishing the stretch goal miniatures for the Kickstarter, due to the aforementioned bills. I am very sorry about this - if it wasn’t for soaring costs across the board, I would have finished these a while ago! So please accept my sincere apologies for the delay. We are very nearly there!
Locking orders soon
As we look to finalise item counts for manufacturing, we will need to lock orders in BackerKit to prevent backers from making further changes (add-ons, for example). Don’t worry - you will still be able to update your shipping address if required.
We will be locking orders soon, but you will get a notification with a final 48 hour notice in which you can still make any changes, should you require.
For the very small number of you who have yet to complete your survey, please do so ASAP! I have tried contacting those affected and sent multiple reminders, but you are almost out of time - any problems, please message me via Kickstarter.
Shipping & fulfilment
As mentioned at the beginning and throughout, due to the volatility of shipping prices globally, shipping fees for this project were always to be calculated and added closer to fulfilment, once we could ascertain the best estimates for our wonderful backers. It is pretty standard practice now to charge backers for shipping a month or two before fulfilment when we have better estimates of what it will cost to ship backers rewards. This way, we also greatly reduce the chance of undercharging for shipping - something that has sunk many a Kickstarter!
We are just finalising shipping costs with our fulfilment centres (Spiral Galaxy Games here in the UK for EU and Rest of the World orders, and Ironheart Artisans in the USA for our American backers), but here are some estimates for now. Please note that shipping costs have increased over the past few months. We will be posting the final shipping costs in the next update in a few days time.
UK 2nd class = Approx. £3
Europe tracked & delivery duty paid = Approx. GBP12-18 depending on your country (France & Germany will be cheaper than Malta and Bulgaria, for example). Please note this is both tracked and delivery duty paid. We may also be able to offer a non-tracked option, which would be cheaper but would not be duty paid. More details in the next update.
US = TBD - just waiting for final quotes from Ironheart Artisans
Rest of the World standard delivery = Approx. GBP10-14
Charging cards for Shipping and add-ons
Just wanted to give you a little heads up that we plan to charge cards for add-on items you purchased or any additional funds you may owe through BackerKit on 1st April 2023.
This charge will appear on your bank statement as “TRENCH CRUSADE” or “TRENCHCRUS” (these are the statement descriptors used by Stripe, the company processing the card payments). Please make sure that you have the correct card information on file. If any issues arise with your payment you’ll receive an email letting you know to correct your payment information.
If you need to review payment information, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under “Lost your survey?” on our BackerKit project page at https://trench-crusade.backerkit.com/.
And finally...
Work on the Trench Crusade game is continuing at a most acceptable pace! Tuomas Pirinen (Mr Mordheim for those of you who don’t know) has completed the first draft of the rules and playtesting has been underway for some months now. Once we have an almost complete version of the rules, you - our glorious backers - will be the very first to see them!
We hope to have an in-depth update on the game soon, but the priority right now, quite rightly, is working through the manufacturing & fulfilment process for the current Kickstarter.
In the next update we will have photos of the finished Observer plus more details on shipping & fulfilment. Until next time, heretics!
Tremble heretics, for the Witchburner is here!
over 1 year ago
– Tue, Feb 07, 2023 at 06:34:15 AM
Greetings everyone! The Cardinal hopes you are all well and ready to undertake the final oaths before your deployment.
Firstly, apologies for not getting an update out sooner. Apart from running this Kickstarter (and sculpting the final stretch goal minis) I am a freelance sculptor by day, and have had quite a bit of commission work to get through. The cost of living crisis is no joke and those bills that keep going up have to be paid! So currently I am working pretty much seven days a week to not only get everything ready for production, but also to keep food in the belly and a roof over our heads. I am sure many can relate.
Anyhoo, enough of that. I've finished the Witchburner General sculpt and Mike has done a lovely digital paint-over! Here he is an all his glory:
The Witchburner General is tasked with hunting down and punishing witches. His power and judgments are absolute.
"So heinous are the crimes of witches that they even exceed the sins and the fall of Lucifer's Angels, and if this is true to the witch's guilt, how should it also not be true of their punishments...?"
- Malleus Maleficarum
Next up...
Well next up, of course, we have the Observer sculpt which is now on my desk in the form of some wire shoved into a cork. Mike is just sketching a rear view for me but sculpting will properly begin this week.
Once the Observer is done, I will be re-posing the Communicant anti-tank hunter in ZBrush from the 3D scans provided by Eddie at Zealot Miniatures. Then I will be taking the physical sculpts down to Dorset to hand them over to Eddie for scanning before production begins in earnest! I hope to be able to do this by the end of the month (other work permitting).
Then there is the game...
Game design
Tuomas (yes - Tuomas Pirinen of Mordheim fame, for those who missed the last update) is churning out manuscripts by the bucket load, under the watchful eye of the Cardinal's overseers. We will have some news - along with details of the game - very soon. To go with this, we will be releasing details of an upcoming Trench Crusade mailing list, where you will be able to get all the latest game development updates (and sign-up for notification when the next Kickstarter is due). Naturally, updates will continue here right up until fulfilment of this Kickstarter.
I will leave you with some of Mike's latest art for the project - New Antioch Mechanised Infantry on patrol along the Carcass Front. The remains of vast and ancient war machines can still be found, rusting slowly into the mud...