32mm grimdark miniatures set in the horrors of the Trench Crusade.
Important note:
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Communicant: Alternative poses stretch goals
over 2 years ago
– Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 12:22:57 AM
In this update:
Next stretch goals
Brief insight into running a Kickstarter
Post campaign
Mike and I continue to be utterly blown away by the success of the Kickstarter campaign, and we have been busy planning where we want to take things next. The potential for the Trench Crusade is huge - with an entire world to play with, including factions, history, characters, unit types, gaming rules... The list goes on! Thank you for your belief in the project and your desire to help to bring it all to fruition. This is only the beginning...
Next stretch goals
Since the Kickstarter has exceeded our expectations, with multiple stretch goals being slaughtered and well over a thousand backers now, we need to 'stretch out' future goals a little bit, since there is already a lot of extra work to be done post campaign (not least of which, me sculpting the miniatures that have been unlocked)! As such, here are the next two goals:
Running a Kickstarter
To give you a little insight into running a Kickstarter campaign, it is quite relentless! In between the backer updates, and replying to you via comments or direct messages, I am also speaking with backers and followers across multiple platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Discord). Then there are the communications with the caster, fulfilment centres (I am talking with a couple at the moment to get the best rates for everyone), BackerKit (our pledge manager)... all this in addition to constantly running/updating the numbers as we hit stretch goals that go beyond our initial expectations. Then Mike and I are also in constant communication, timezones not withstanding (me in the UK, Mike in the US). Oh, and I'm trying to sculpt the combat medic, too! I promise to have some update photos of her soon. :)
Post campaign
Initially, with our initial expectations for the campaign, our aim was to have everything done and shipped to backers by the end of the year (2022). Since the Trench Crusade has exploded, we will need to move these delivery expectations back a bit (as mentioned from the beginning in the Risks & Challenges section). Our initial estimates were based upon a couple of hundred backers, and maybe one extra miniature - the combat medic - to be sculpted. Now, we have well over a thousand backers and have unlocked multiple stretch goal miniatures, all of which require sculpting.
As such, delivery will be pushed back. By how much, at this stage we cannot say. Once the campaign has ended, I can sit down and go through everything, speak with Zealot Miniatures about moulding & casting times, then with the fulfilment centre about final numbers. Another factor to take into account is how many of you add extra stuff when the pledge manager comes out, too!
So I really hope you can understand why things will be pushed back. I am very sorry that this is necessary to do, and Mike and I would both be very grateful for your patience! We will get everything delivered as soon as we possibly can, of course, but we want to make sure we get everything right so you are happy with what you receive. I will of course keep everyone informed throughout the entire process! :)
Running a Kickstarter can be all-consuming - and certainly is with this one, thanks to all you super amazing backers joining us on this (un)holy pilgrimage! Together we are going to make these miniatures a reality, plus you are all here at the very beginning of something very special. So thank you so much once again!
1000 pilgrims join us on the crusade!
over 2 years ago
– Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 12:43:51 AM
Hell is that way...
A massive, heart-felt thank you from Mike and myself! To have a thousand join us on this (un)holy pilgrimage is simply mind-blowing! Thank you.
Only 9 days to go. Like the guy in the pulpit is saying, hell is that way...
The heretic tank will burn in holy fire.
over 2 years ago
– Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 12:43:23 AM
Quick update (I'm out with family today - it's Sunday AND the school holidays)...
Illuminator Michael has prepared some sketches of alternative poses for the communicant. Your lord bishop bids you to cleanse yourself of your sins and prepare for absolution.
Alternative communicant poses. Concept art by Mike Franchina.
I will be re-posing and sculpting these as stretch goals. Many have been petitioning for alternative poses, so we hope this goes some way to answering your prayers! Essentially, once I receive the resin masters from Zealot Miniatures, I can convert some in order to give you more variety on the battlefield. My favourite is number 2. Which is yours?
May the heretics tremble in fear.
Slaughtering stretch goals like heretics in a trench.
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Jul 23, 2022 at 06:28:06 AM
Well, to say the Kickstarter has totally exploded in a cloud of holy napalm would be an understatement! Yet another stretch goal slaughtered. Thank you once again to all of our backers for helping to bring the Trench Crusade from the artwork to the tabletop!
Mike and I are busy discussing what's next and, when we have made some decisions, we will post updates accordingly. I am also talking to a couple of fulfilment centres about shipping, customs duty etc. I had no idea this would explode like it has, so my initial plans for packing and posting a hundred parcels myself, from my living room, has gone out of the window like a live grenade. Will let everyone know about shipping and whatnot as soon as I have some concrete figures from the fulfilment companies.
Can't believe we are almost at 1000 backers... totally bonkers! :)
Witchburner sketch by Mike.
How do I get add-ons and what is a pledge manager?
over 2 years ago
– Fri, Jul 22, 2022 at 03:52:21 AM
BackerKit pledge manager - How it works for backers
For the Trench Crusade Kickstarter, we will be using BackerKit as our post-campaign pledge manager. Here is how it works:
1.After the Kickstarter campaign ends: You will get an email from the creator (that’s me!) with a survey to help you manage any updates and simplify communication.
2.Update your info and pledges: In the survey, you’ll add your shipping info and reward preferences and grab any add-ons unlocked during the campaign (for example, add-on miniatures). If anything changes (like your address) you can head back to the survey to update it.
3.Easy for everyone: By having your information on BackerKit, you help make life easier on us creators who have rather big to-do lists! Easily accessible information for both creators and backers leads to faster, more efficient communication and delivery.
Some backers have been asking about how to add-on miniatures - is it done now, or after the campaign? The answer is that you can do it after the campaign ends through the pledge manager!
To keep things as simple as possible for everyone, we only have one pledge level. Everyone who backs the project will automatically have access to the BackerKit pledge manager, where you can update your address, change your pledge, add those add-ons, get multiple set and so forth. Basically:
1.Back the project
2.Sit back and enjoy the ride
3.Campaign ends and we pass details on to BackerKit
4.Backer survey sent to all backers
5.You can now choose what you want!
If anyone wants any more detail, you can also check out the BackerKit website.
I hope that all makes sense, but if you have any questions at all, pop them in the comments or drop me a message via Kickstarter.